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Alert: FRLA Offers Free Human Trafficking Training

Update (1.1.2022): Per the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association, the human trafficking course referenced below will be offered at only $2.99 per user going forward. The Department of Business and Professional Regulation’s human trafficking resource page is available through this link.

The original article is available after the Department’s Industry Bulletin on human trafficking training.

Original Article: With the annual deadline for Florida’s new and mandatory human trafficking training coming in less than a month, the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association’s complimentary online course is a key tool for lodging operators in the state. Scroll below to access the association’s resources (source).

From the Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association:


Human trafficking is a reality in every state in our nation, and Florida is no exception. The Florida Restaurant and Lodging Association believes we have a moral obligation to do all we can to prevent this atrocious crime and to ensure that the Sunshine State remains a warm and welcoming place for all visitors. In that spirit, the association has committed to educating our members as well as others within the hospitality industry about the dangers of human trafficking. We launched the course in September of 2018, and to encourage all hospitality workers to get educated about this crime, we are offering the course free of charge.

We have partnered with subject matter experts to create a COMPLETELY FREE, DBPR APPROVED online training course designed to help hoteliers, restaurateurs, and their staff:

  • Recognize the signs of human trafficking

  • Learn best practices to protect victims and businesses

  • Promote anti-trafficking awareness



In 2019, the Florida Legislature passed and Governor Ron DeSantis signed into law new human trafficking legislation affecting lodging operators. Section 509.096, Florida Statutes, includes mandatory human trafficking awareness training for lodging employees who perform housekeeping duties or work at the front desk or reception areas.  Prudent lodging operators will also train their other guest interaction positions, including concierge, bell staff, valet, and others. The DBPR Industry Bulletin can be found here.


Lodging operators should be aware of these details regarding implementation and enforcement of the law:

  • Training programs must first be approved by DBPR

  • DBPR must promulgate rules – a legally prescribed process – to specify the approval process and other particulars, which are in process and will be completed later this year.

  • Covered employees must complete training by JANUARY 1, 2021, OR WITHIN 60 DAYS OF HIRE, whichever is later, and annually thereafter

  • Covered lodging properties must implement a procedure to report suspected human trafficking to the NATIONAL HUMAN TRAFFICKING HOTLINE AT 1-888-373-7888 or local law enforcement, and they must post prescribed signage in employee areas regarding the Hotline.

  • For FRLA online training in English and Spanish – currently offered at no cost – click here.

To learn more about what human trafficking and what business owners need to know, please check out this article by Geoff Luebkemann, SVP of Education and Training, in the Florida Restaurant & Lodging Magazine.

Additional resources for human trafficking include the following:

– Review the Hospitality Toolkit
– Share the DBPR Division of Hotels & Restaurants Human Trafficking Info Sheet
– Display Human Trafficking Awareness Posters
– Hand out the Human Trafficking Indicators Card
– Download the TraffickCam App
– Check out additional materials on the Department of Homeland Security’s Blue Campaign website.

Stay safe!