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Are To-Go Cocktails Here to Stay?

As you almost certainly know, all on-premises dining and alcoholic beverage consumption have been suspended due to the recommended coronavirus self distancing measures. Takeout and delivery are still authorized for both food and alcohol, and for the first time the state has temporarily authorized the sale of cocktails, wine and beer in cups, jugs and other reasonable containers, as long as the alcoholic beverage is for consumption off the licensed premises.

This new option has been a hit with consumers and operators, but a new question has been raised: Are to-go cocktails here to stay? A change in the law would be required to continue this option after the Governor’s executive orders related to the coronavirus expire, but there’s already been an endorsement from the Governor himself.

Note: Florida’s coronavirus situation is changing rapidly. Click here to view the firm’s most-recent updates on the regulatory response affecting hotels, restaurants, bars, resorts, and the alcoholic beverage industry. The Department of Business and Professional Regulation’s frequently-updated resource page is available here.