
HB 667: Alcohol Delivery

Full details from the Florida Legislature

HB 667 will allow certain alcohol retailers to accept orders through mobile applications and online ordering portals. Additionally, 667 will permit retailers to make deliveries in vehicles owned and operated by contracted third parties. This is important legislation for the burgeoning food and beverage delivery sector, which is growing rapidly in Florida. 

Some alcohol delivery services have been accused of operating in legal gray areas. As an initial matter, the relevant statute does not expressly permit the ordering of alcoholic beverages on the internet. In addition, the requirement that the delivery vehicles be leased or owned by the licensed retailer has been loosely followed and enforced.

Please note that not all retailers will be permitted to deliver under this new structure. The establishment must be licensed to offer package sales for off-premises consumption. Section 561.221(2) licensees (breweries with vendor's licenses, aka "brew pubs") are specifically forbidden from delivering to end users. 

The law will take effect on July 1, 2018.